he wonderfully coloured amethyst, with its variety of shades of purple, reminds us of the spiritual thread that runs through our life and can be used as a tool to aid spiritual awakening and intuition. Amethyst can bring a calming influence and therefore be of great help in times of change. It's excellent to hold or have by you when you're practising meditation and when placed in a room it can help absorb negativity. Placed under the pillow it may help you sleep better.
This powerful gemstone disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturb. In other words, it works like a magnet that attracts to one’s life situations, people, circumstances, things and events that we need in our lives in order to grow and become the better versions of ourselves. Auralite is a powerful crystal that should not be taken lightly. This is why is known as a stone of change which can go as far as destroying the old in order to build it all over again. Work with this stone slowly as you get used to its high vibration. This gem is one of the only crystals in the world that intertwines with a person's soul creating a mutual bond of friendship, mentorship, love and affection. Just having an Auralite near you is enough for the healing to begin. Auralite behaves also like a cleaner, removing blockages, negativity and things that no longer serve us in our journey. Auralite can balance all the 7 chakras
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