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Shiva Lingham stone

Shiva Lingham stone


These Stones Increase Vitality and Pranic Energy


Shiva Lingam are a sacred stone of the Indian Hindu religion, that will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body.To improve your overall health these stones are powerful as they stimulate the energy system of the entire body, and will aid an overall improvement in your health and well-being.This stone holds within it the feeling of unity and duality.

They carry the energy within them to activate the kundalini energy and begin the process of awakening the kundalini.

On one hand you see the masculine part of the stone within its phallic shape, and the feminine as well in the egg shape, and in the beauty of the markings on the stones. The stone as a whole recognizes that they are one, yet they are each a separate entity within the one. Its vibration has a different action depending on where you place it. These unusual stones are basically quartz, and have a lot of impurities from the river where they originate mixed through. They have strong metaphysical properties as they carry a lot of energy. Shiva Lingam encourage you to see the uniqueness of yourself, and spiritually, to see that each of you are part of the whole, yet you are separate individuals within the whole.


Shiva Lingam stones can be used in a number of ways including:

  • These crystals are known to be powerful to aid any on the lower three chakras, particularly if used at the sacral or navel chakra and base chakra. 
  • They can be used to help problems of a sexual nature and may be utilized within sacred tantric practices.
  • For women, they are said to be beneficial to relieve menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps.
  • For men, they may help the healing of disorders of the prostate and may assist impotence.
  • They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use for healing of any reproductive problems, and are known to assist the healing of infertility.

Its action within the throat chakra allows you to recognize your connection with your etheric body, and how you can communicate this to your own higher self.

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