Yellow Opal. Rare High Vibration Crystal
This High Vibratinal Yellow Opal Crystal
Weighs approx 5.grams
Measures 20mm x 10mmThe 'Stone of Comfort', brings comfort and soothing especially to babies in times of any upset or discomfort, as well as improvement and ease to neurological health. And even enhances visualisation, imagination and cosmic consciousness.
Opal is a mysterious stone with a particularly noticeable yet gently shimmering vibrational rate. Its energies are vibrant and passionate, yet gentle and caring. Opal is a stone that can be absorbent as much as it can be reflective, it can be a mirror to the whole self both inner and outer. This stone seemingly moulds itself to its keeper, becoming a part of the being rather resting as a part separate from the being. Opal feels joy with its keeper just as much as sadness; it follows every smile to every tear. Opal shimmers within each dream of its keeper to each waking moment of its keeper. Often dreamy just to gaze upon, Opal can be a dream to bond with. In its different forms Opal does have differing offerings, yet its undertones remain the same.Yellow Opal enhances visualisation and can take its keeper on mystical and magical journeys beyond the physical world. This is a stone that puts its keeper in touch with cosmic consciousness, holding the physical existence back enough for exploration to go ahead.This is a stone that enhances the imagination, opening many areas connected to it such as creativity. Yellow Opal encourages its keeper to see the bigger picture and imagine past the present. It is a stone that help turn dreams into reality.Yellow Opal picks up and records its keeper thoughts and feelings then carries them out to where they are needed most. This stone can help its keeper to turn negative thought into positive thought. Yellow Opal stirs up the spirit; it lifts the mood and lightens the heart.Yellow Opal helps its keeper to see that what one puts out, eventually can come back. It is a stone that brings a recognition of how its keeper can help themselves by being more positive in different ways, while also helping its keeper to see where thought and actions have not been to good and what it has brought out. This in turn can gives opportunity for this to be learnt from and even made better not just for its keeper, but for other beings too.This stone opens its keeper to lucid dreaming, as well improving the lucid dreaming skill overall. Yellow Opal encourages its keeper to use this skill to face fears, reach goals and be the best the self can be during the lucid dream states, in order for the positivism and courage attached to these, to shine through during day to day living.On a healing level, Yellow Opal can be help to the make-up and function of Cerebrospinal fluid. It is a stone that can help ease the affects of many neurological disorders and diseases, as well as immune and nervous system disorders and diseases.Yellow Opal is perfect to use with babies as it can tune and tone down its energy exactly as needed when sensing smaller auric fields. Use this stone for babies who are teething, just by gently holding the stone on the outer side of the babies face near the jaw area, will help bring down any soreness and discomfort.This stone is also good to be placed safely around babies to help them to feel settled and comforted at times when they are tearful or feeling a little fragile. Yellow Opal can also be of help where babies need to take in extra nutrition as well as where they need stimulation to take in milk and food. This can be done by the adult keeping the stone safely around the baby and especially at feeding times having it nearby.A stone that can be of benefit to help lift away the affects of depression, bring a sense of comfort and security, while raiseing self esteem and self confidence. Yellow Opal also brings recognition of available potential.Yellow Opal can be a little fluttery with its energy when attached to thought and feeling, making it a wise choice to be grounded and centred, or have other stones with such offerings to help alongside.Their are other stones that resonate well alongside Yellow Opal, these are; Dravite (brown tourmaline) & Bronzite.Please make sure at no times at all can the baby or babies have access to the stone or stones used, it is wise to place the stone or stones in a little pouch designed for them that is firmly closed.