Reasons Why You Should Book A Massage Today
You know that massage is good for you, whether you’ve had one in the past and enjoyed the positive effects or you’re just curious about whether a massage therapist’s healingtouch could help sort out your aches and pains.
So, what’s stopping you?
We have 10 reasons right here that will inspire you to visit us at Natural-light
Massage helps to treat some health conditions
Massage therapy can help with several common health conditions, some that you mightalready know about and others that may come as a surprise to you. If you suffer withconstant back, leg and neck pain; muscle tension and spasm, a good massage will send youon the route to feeing relief.
Some musculoskeletal conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can also be helped bymassage, as can the symptoms of chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia,arthritis and some digestive disorders.
Massage can help to improve circulation
Massage therapy is great for boosting blood circulation, which helps to deliver oxygen andnutrients around the body more efficiently.
Massage can increase lymphatic flow
Your lymphatic system is a system of tubes and lymph nodes running throughout your bodywhich make up an important part of the immune system. It helps to fight bacteria and otherinfections, and a healthy lymph flow also helps clear toxins from your body.
Massage can speed up post injury healing
If you’ve overdone it or hurt yourself accidentally you’ll be glad to know that massagedoesn’t just help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, it can also break up scar tissue,freeing up movement and enhancing your recovery.
Massage can help to increase your range of motion
Another thing that a great massage therapist can do is use techniques that stimulate theproduction of lubricants between connective tissues, which improves flexibility and balance.
Massage can help you to improve your posture
Massage helps to train your muscles, which improves the posture of your body as well ascorrecting any imbalances caused by sitting for long periods – which are common in peoplewho sit at a desk all day.
Massage can give your immune system a boost
Massage is known to boost production of lymphocytes – the white blood cells which helpfight off disease. Although a massage can’t guarantee you’ll never get another cold, therehas been research that suggests it helps the body to fight infections and reduce the severityand duration of bugs and minor illnesses.
Massage can make you feel happier
The action of massaging the skin stimulates alpha brain waves, which are associated withrelaxation, and promotes the release of endorphins – the body’s feel-good chemicals.
Massage can help you to de-stress
Massage is known to help reduce cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the primary stresshormone, so elevated levels are not good for your body at all. At the same time, massagehas been shown to boost serotonin and dopamine levels, making you feel more relaxed andhappy.
Massage could give you a better night’s sleep
If insomnia is your bedfellow, try a massage. Massage can help to balance out your sleeppattern and overcome insomnia and the fatigue that goes with not getting enough sleep.
Have we convinced you to book that appointment yet?
Email us for an appointment